Sunday, March 23, 2008

USA Presidents performance and their Zodiac sign

Is Hillary Clinton a prisoner of her Scorpio character?

Modern psychology tells us that our character is pretty much defined early in our life. It is sometimes a painful fact to accept, especially when we grow up unable to change some inherent negative behavior. Some people tend to blame others for these short comings instead of trying to mature as positive individuals.

Some ancient civilizations believe that a person’s character was defined pretty much the day they were born. At birth people were given their destiny i.e. to become later in life rulers, religious leaders, in government, soldiers or humans to be sacrificed.

They based those beliefs in astronomical and astrological observations with many thousands of years of observations and record keeping. They scrutinized the sky, the sun, the planets, the stars, the comets and any unusual events as they realized the impact the cosmos has in their lives, their governments, their prosperity and also as a way to control people by fear of the unknown and the unexpected. It is a most remarkable human achievement that despite the fact these ancient calendars were created by different civilizations and in different parts of the world, they arrived astonishingly to similar conclusions.

As they were observing the skies and the impact it has on their life, they were also observing and keeping detailed records by thousands of years of their ruler’s behaviors and their character. The result was the astrological zodiac in the ancient Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Maya and Aztec’s civilizations to name a few.

They discovered for instance the darkest places in the sky with a red star in the middle (Osiris). They observed and took notes of what kinds of creature were born during this period from their ruling elites. These wise men noticed that the people born during this period (October 23 – November 21) were clever but uninspiring, enigmatic, loves mysteries, rumors and intrigues, blind to their own reality, deceitful and prone to have bloodshed around them.

Thus the ancient Greeks created a mythology around the SCORPIO: a nocturnal predator, intuitive with great senses but blind, very powerful killer that is also able to kill himself. The only reason why this creature was allowed to be a celestial mythology (zodiac sign) it was because the Scorpio killed the Hunter thus saving the rest of the animals. In real life, Scorpion leaders may be needed provided they “kill” or destroy the hunters of he human specie. I must say that one of my best friends is Scorpio; he is not only an amazing and dedicated scientist but also the most sensitive, caring and intuitive person that I have ever met. I am sure you will find many people that also have been able to overcome some of the negative character traits as all zodiac signs have. However, I am not talking about mature and grown people but about those adults unable to improve for the better and thus remain off scale and characterized as typical zodiac sign.

Recently I read in Internet an interesting story “THE SCORPIO THAT KILLED THE FROG”. It was this story and the news around USA dirty election campaign that inspired me to write this article. The story goes something like this:

The Scorpio wanted to cross a river but he couldn't swim. After talking to many different creatures, he finally managed to get a Frog willing to carry him across the river.Initially the Frog was very suspicious of the Scorpio and said: “I would never carry a Scorpio in my back. You will sting me and poisoning me, and I will die”
The Scorpio replied: “Why would I do that? Then I couldn’t get across the river’. I cannot swim! If you die, I die too! I would never do such a thing!”Finally, the Frog gets convinced by the reasoning of the Scorpio. However, in the middle of the way, the Scorpio stings the Frog, who gets paralyzed by the poison and cannot swim. Puzzled, the Frog asks the Scorpio: “Why did you do that? Now we’re both going to die”. The Scorpion replied “I’m a Scorpion, I can’t help it; this is what I do”.

The historical fact is that Scorpion has been central to both death and sexual rituals going back into the many cultures, especially the Egyptians. In terms of symbolism, the Scorpion is a symbol of Wisdom, Self destruction and Death, like the story above illustrates.

Let’s go a bit deeper into the subject and beyond mythological stories. Supposed we are skeptical or do not believe anything of the above but have a curious mind and decide to study all the presidents of the USA. This is from 1789 to 2008 or a significant period of 219 years of real flesh observations.

Thus we proceed as the ancient wise men did; observing their behavior, what they say, what they do, their accomplishments and shortcomings, their challenges and their historical impact. Certainly, the time span of 219 years is long enough for us to come to some preliminary conclusions. This historical period was full of challenges with The War of Independence, The Civil War, the two World Wars, economic depression and several recessions; adding to the mix were the emerging new technological challenges and the never ending expansion and challenges of the USA.

The study has a considerable historical frame to prove how each USA president faced their respective challenges and either rose to the historical occasion or just succumbed as prisoner of their own character. The answer rests in the way they behaved, the decisions they made and how the voters perceived them.

For this study, I proceed with the following information already available:

  • List of US President’s names, their sequence and period in power.
  • Their birthday and zodiac sign.
  • Information if they were nominated or elected. NOTE: The Vice-Presidents that took over after the death of their respective President were excluded from the “electability” study.
  • Information if they were re-elected for a second or third term as another confirmation of great performance or perception of their characters.
  • Information if the presidential period was completed as some were assassinated or died while still in power.
  • The president’s ranking as evaluated by several historians, political scientists and specialized media like Wall Street; reference Wilkipedia data. This parameter is the most controversial as the evaluation of some presidents may have a standard deviation larger than 4 while others have as little as 0.66. This large variation means there were not basic consensuses in the performance of some presidents.

    * NOTE:
    The political party affiliation was not statistically significant. The political ideology has nothing to do with the character of a person; therefore it was excluded from this study.
    Some few comments will be made about Hillary Clinton as SCORPION, Barak Obama as LEO and John McCain as VIRGO. You are the judge!

Table 1 list USA presidents and their zodiac sign.


This measurement is based on the ranking of the 43 USA presidents done by multiple evaluations and at different times and as listed in Wilkipedia. The presidents were then grouped by their zodiac sign and an average ranking for the group was calculated. An average ranking of 22 means just average performance. A ranking well above 30 become disastrous and a ranking well below 15 become outstanding performance. Let’s see how these gentlemen measured up:

PISCES presidents were by far the best performers with an outstanding average ranking of 9.9 or 90.13% achievement. They were followed by the AQUARIUS presidents with an average ranking of 13.8 or 86.20% achievement. The Virgo presidents came third and scored an average ranking of 16.6 or 83.37% achievements. The SCORPIO presidents were in sixth place with an average ranking of 18.9 or 81.09% achievement i.e. slightly better than average. The LEO presidents came in tenth place; the presidential period of one of them covered the Depression. See Graph 1.


This parameter is based on the number of times a particular zodiac sign wins a presidential election and as a group how they measured up against the other zodiac signs. From this electability index, six presidents were removed as they were not elected at least in their first mandate i.e. Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester Arthur, Harry Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford. Any questionable and/or rigged elections were not taken into considerations like G.W. Bush versus A. Gore. If all zodiac signs were to have equal probability to be elected president, then all of the signs should have an equal value of 8.33% but they do not. Let’s see how they measured up:

AQUARIUS presidents were first with a 17% chance of being elected i.e. almost double than the expected probability. They are followed by Taurus and Scorpios with an average of 11.3%. Then, in fourth place are Pisces, Leo, Cancer and Libra with a 7.5% or slightly lower than average. In the last twelfth position is Virgo with 1.9%. See Graph 2.


This parameter is based on the number of times a particular zodiac sign candidate gets re-elected. If a president was not elected the first time but was elected for a second period, then it was considered that he was not re-elected e.g. Harry Truman. If a president had above average performance but was killed or died in office is considered he was re-elected i.e. J.F. Kennedy. Given the strong correlation between good performance and re-electability it was assumed that Taylor and Garfield would have not been reelected. Again there are wide variations in the probability that a president will be reelected between the zodiac signs. We can also say that the re-electability of a particular president is highly correlated with their PERFORMANCE as president but also their CHARACTER as perceived by the voters. Let’s see what we can learn from this parameter:

PISCES presidents were always re-elected so they score 100% probability; this is consistent with being by far the best performers in government. Second place is AQUARIUS with 60% probability for being re-elected and again correlates very well with their second place in performance. LEO comes in sixth place with 33% probability of being re-elected.

The SCORPIO presidents came at tenth place with only 20% probability for being re-elected. This low re-electability reflects their inconsistencies in performance as two out of five of them are ranked as the worst presidents ever. But it also reflects the nature of their characters: one was assassinated for political rivalries; another died in strange circumstances; a third one destroyed his own party (Republican) with his obsession for re-election for a third time. Although Theodore Roosevelt was ranked the highest among the Scorpio presidents, he allowed the artificial 1905 economic recession, destroyed his party and allowed the Democrats (W. Wilson) to take power after 20 years. The historical consequences are catastrophic for the USA as Wilson destroyed the nation by allowing the creation of the Federal Reserve on December 23, 1913.

VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS ranked the lowest level with 0% probability of being re-elected. See Graph 3.


Finally, to do an overall evaluation with the three parameters, I just multiplied their ranking and determined a performance in percentage (D = A*B*C/(12*12*12). The results are as follows:

First place AQUARIUS with 84% or 1452 points: The presidents in this category are: William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan.

It is interesting to note that these best performers and charismatic leaders have been missing for most part of last 70 years. The last Aquarius president, Ronald Reagan, was almost killed like Abraham Lincoln and for the very same reason. Both presidents wanted the USA government to control the emission of money under a GOLD/SILVER STANDARDS without the private international banker cartel entrenched in the Federal Reserve. In other words, Reagan wanted to undo what Theodore Roosevelt started and Woodrow Wilson completed.

Second place PISCES with 75% or 1296 points: The presidents in this category are George Washington, James Madison, Andrew Jackson and Grover Cleveland. It is interesting to note that for more than 100 years the USA have not have elected a Pisces president, sensitive, inspiring, courageous and brilliant.

In sixth place is SCORPIO with 13.4% or 231 points: The presidents in this category are: John Adams, James K. Polk, James Garfield, Theodore Roosevelt and Warren G. Harding.

Let’s make some few comments on these Scorpio presidents as just one of them overcame his character traits but the rest did not. We deserve to refresh our historical memory:

  • JOHN ADAMS: Was the first out of the first five USA presidents that was not re-elected although he performed well. Could it be his character?
  • JAMES K. POLK: Although he was rated an excellent president he was not re-elected. Could it be his character?
  • JAMES GARFIELD: This president was heavily involved in land speculation. He was killed by his political rival after six month in office but not for political ideals but for his character.
  • THEODORE ROOSEVELT: He is the only Scorpio president that was re-elected; however, when he lost his third nomination against Taft, he destroyed his own Republican Party and then democrats took over after 20 years. The historical consequences of his “obsession” for re-election and “political blindness” are still being paid in cash by the USA people. The Democrat Woodrow Wilson won the election sponsored by Rockefeller and banker’s cartel. Soon after in office Woodrow Wilson created a private corporation called the Federal Reserve in 1913. This corporation printed money out of thin air and loaned it to the government with an interest rate charge. The banker’s cartel, the same group operating in Europe among other countries, flooded the market with easy money for 15 years. Then the bankers decided to contract the money supply and the big DEPRESSION in 1930 was created. Sixty years later under Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, the Federal Reserve flooded the market with easy money and now the USA is again at pre-Depression levels that will be worse than 1930. The 1930 economic and financial crisis was not “solved” until WW II was over. The controlled media and history books tell us it was to secure ‘western hemisphere freedom’ but they omit to tell us the TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS the private Federal Reserve bankers made. Now folks you keep working hard as ever and try to bridge the gap between the poor and rich; and if you want go and fight for “freedom” or “terrorism” or “Christianity” or what ever, while the bankers made fortunes with your blood.
  • WARREN G. HARDING: One of the worst presidents in USA history.

Table 2 summarizes the above data.


We can also look at the Popes for a 640 years period. Since 1389 there have been five Scorpio Popes plus one anti pope. Their electability is average with 8.9% chance. In terms of performance you may just want to go over some historical notes on each of them. We can see some horrifying behavior but also three of them did the right things:

  • John XXIII (1370): Anti Pope; before entering the church he was a corsair. His predecessor died suddenly after only 10 months as Pope. Later seventy-four charges were drawn up against him, only twenty of which were set aside after the witnesses had been heard. The accusation of having poisoned Alexander V. and his doctor at Bologna was not maintained. But enough deeds of immorality, tyranny, ambition and simony (MONEY COLLECTION) were found proven to justify the severest judgment. He was suspended from his functions as pope on the 14th of May 1415, and deposed on the following 29th of May.
  • Boniface IX (1389) Rumors of imminent divine judgment and visions of the Virgin Mary abounded. People sang the newly popular hymn Stabat Mater during their processions. For a while, as the White Penitents approached Rome, gaining adherents along the way, Boniface IX and the Curia supported their penitential enthusiasm, but when they reached Rome, Boniface IX had their leader burnt at the stake, and they soon dispersed. "Boniface IX gradually discountenanced these wandering crowds, an easy prey of agitators and conspirators, and finally dissolved them.” Boniface IX introduced a novelty in the form of revenue known as annates perpetuæ (MONEY COLLECTION). Boniface IX certainly provided generously for his mother, his brothers Andrea and Giovanni, and his nephews.
    Popes like Nikolas V (1447) granted the king of Portugal the right to reduce any "Saracens, pagans and any other unbelievers" to hereditary slavery in his Dum Diversa. This approval of slavery was reaffirmed and extended in his Romanus Pontifex of 145. He was also very fond of “annates” (MONEY COLLECTION).
  • Pope Clemente XIV (1769) suppressed the Jesuits and it is believed that he was poisoned.
    Pope Pio VIII (1829) condemned Masonic secret societies and modernist biblical translation. It is believed that he was also poisoned. Prince Don Agostino Chigi, a contemporary of the Pope's and one of the papal nobility associated with the papal court, recorded in his diary (2 December 1830): During the dissection of the Pope's body, which occurred yesterday evening, as far as they say, only very healthy internal organs (viscera) were found, except some weakness of the lungs, or, according to others, a tired heart; it is therefore impossible to know the cause of death."
  • Pope Benedict XV (1914) was Pope during WW I; he was not trusted by either side; he was a very generous man with people in need; he gave away the Vatican’s money.

If you are still skeptical about this ancient wisdom just look around the world for other leaders. The following names add another 200 years of historical confirmation in South America:

  • PISCES like Jose de San Martin, Lazaro Cardenas, Jorge Gaitan, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, Nestor Kirchner, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner;
  • AQUARIUS the legendary Sucre, Jose Marti and Omar Torrijos;
  • LEO like Simon Bolivar, Bernardo O’Higgings, Emiliano Zapata, Salvador Allende, Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro.

There are few great Scorpios like Evo Morales, Lopez Obrador and Inacio Lula da Silva. However, Lula betrayed the interest of the poor Third World countries by giving the rich European farmers another 8 years of grace for farm subsidies during Doha WTO meeting in November 2001. That was a typical Scorpio “sting”; unexpected, unwelcome and shameless when Lula just forgot those millions of people around the world. They will have to endure their poverty, illiteracy, no health care and their empty stomachs for another eight years! Wealthy European land owners thanked indeed Mr. Lula gesture. Later Lula almost lost his re-election.


The best zodiac sign candidates, based on this study, were in descending order as follows: Romney (Pisces), Gravel (Taurus), Kucinich (Libra), Obama and Ron Paul (both Leos). Then at the second lowest level are McCain and Huckabee (both Virgos) with good performance, but low electability and zero probability for re-electability. The Scorpios better be out! See Graph 4.

To run in politics is a bit like a beauty contest: “SHOW US THE BEST YOU HAVE” and please do not try to score by putting down others as it put down the contest itself, lower your own reference standards and implicitly confirm own weaknesses. for instance, to dig into someone’s kindergarten files is disgusting and irresponsible as it destroys the innocence and purity of young souls. To exploit ethnic pictures is repulsive, divisive and plain racist.

We may ask Hillary what is her purpose? Is there another hidden agenda, like in Theodore Roosevelt – Woodrow Wilson’s time? After all she seems to be related to the Melon, one of the sinister founders of Federal Reserve. If this premonition is correct, it is the next World War that is in the making by the international bankers and the most inner circle.

Scorpios see what they want to see. Hillary was blind not to see her husband affairs going on right under her nose, or the drugs and sex scandals in Arkansas. Now she is blind to the fact that her entire campaign’s message has no substance, is a moving target, uninspiring and has no chance except by a coup at the convention, as Wilson did in 1912. The two large states of N.Y. and California that she claims, using the same argument why Obama won Missouri on racial lines, can be explained by the highest concentration of Eastern European Jews living there with their disproportionate financial power and source of works. But this type of argument based on race, age, income, religion, education btw so popular in MSNBC is wrong and divisive.

Every zodiac sign has its value and its purpose in this concatenated cosmos. The question is if the strengths and weakness of a potential leader is the best for a country facing a devastating and prolonged crisis. USA already started a sustained socio-economic decline; therefore PEOPLE WILL NEED TO COME TOGETHER TO GET THROUGH YEARS OF HARDSHIPS. A LEO president like Obama will be much better. Leos are always inspiring and with unlimited positive energy; they are sign of fire thus always lifting. A SCORPIO with intrigues, mysteries, rumors and diatribes will be catastrophic as social unrest, racial tensions, unemployment, bankruptcies, personal debt, credit crunch, will be all going up. Remember what almost 1000 years of data told us above.

Leaders cannot afford to be prisoner of their character! They must show the way with maturity, generosity, wisdom, a higher degree of sophistication and cleverness! Verbal or physical brutality leads only to more brutality. Societies need to stay focus on what is relevant and open minded to new thinking in order to progress and become enlightened.

I am not an astrologer; however I was quite curious to explore this subject after reading the Frog and the Scorpio in game theory.

Courtesy of Quo_Vadis_Amicus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.